Original station photo as a post lantern type station. (US
Coast Guard Photo)
Location: ST. MARY'S RIVER Nearest City: Hancock, MI.
U.S.C.G. District:
Year Station Established:
Existing Historic Tower: No
- Year Light First Lit:
- Is the Light Operational?
- Date Deactivated: N/A
- Automated: Yes
- Foundation Materials:
- Construction Materials:
- Markings/Patterns:
- Shape:
- Relationship to Other Structures:
- Tower Height:
- Original Optic:
- Year Original Lens Installed:
- Present Optic: Modern Aero Beacon
- Year Present Lens Installed:
- Height of Focal Plane:
- Fresnel Lens Disposition: N/A
- Has tower been moved?
Previous Tower(s):
1. Construction Date:
Modern Tower?
Existing Sound Signal Building? NO
Existing Keepers Quarters? YES
Other Structures: Oil house, shed, privy moved but still exists.
Current Use: Residential, privately owned.
Open to the Public? No
Non-NPS Web Site: N/A
National Register Status: Name of Listing:
On State List/Inventory? ; Year Listed:
Miscellaneous: (All photos courtesy of Jeff
Shook unless otherwise noted)

A close up of the east side of the house.

The original oil house. Although modified slightly on the outside it is
still in good shape. |
Station photo as a range light station with a new rear range tower (left)
and front range light (right). This was probably done when they went from
oil to acetylene powered lights. This was after the channel was dredged
out and the spoils were placed around the shore to fill in the area. This
made room for the range lights to be built. Notice in the right hand photo
the fresh dirt around the light. (US Coast Guard Photo)

The station as it sits today. It is privately owned and is in good
shape. The modern range tower is now in place. The oil house, and shed are
still in place. The privy was removed some time ago but it is at a family
members house and may be returned to the station some day to be put back
in the original spot where it was removed.

A close up of the house and storage shed to the right.

The house from the road on the east side. Notice the flared out roof on
the storage shed.

Another shot from the road of the west side of the house.

The storage shed is in good shape as well and has not been modified.